Yuko Inatsuki Oberjat

Yuko is a filmmaker specializing in documentary and branded content and is passionate about ocean conservation. She started volunteering with IOFF in 2013 as the festival trailer editor, then joined the screening committee in 2016.

She fell in love with the ocean when she started scuba diving in the warm tropical waters of Okinawa back in 2001, then took up surfing in 2012 in the frigid waters of the San Francisco Bay Area – and never looked back! Yuko lived on a research vessel near the Mariana Trench for 24 days, creating four videos for Schmidt Ocean Institute on their (then) newly developed ROV deep sea explorations.

She really enjoys combining her passion for the ocean with her filmmaking skill. You can normally find her surfing in Pacifica, Bolinas, or Ocean Beach (when the waves are small!).


Mary Jane Schramm


Keith Howell